Join Us
Connecting Consciousness is a grass roots organisation in its very early stages where people from all around the world are waking up to what is really going on around them. “The energy at our AGM held September 2018 was wonderful and full of people who wanted to raise the vibration of humanity and to be with others who have woken to what is going on in the world around them. It gave people a chance to connect with others who have woken up which can be so refreshing when ones family /friends just don’t have a clue and don’t want to know!”
Our Mission
Connecting Consciousness recognises current structures are not necessarily responsive to people or the planet, and seeks to solve global challenges through physical and spiritual development, education and governance.
CC seeks to support people on their learning journey to become awakened to the world around them. To develop their understanding of who they are and their true position within the world, and thus to help humanity and all life move forward in a positive way.
How will we do this? Through 3 interconnected aims:
Our Aims
Creating Connecting Consciousness networks: through local, national and international spiritual groups.
Sharing knowledge: through education, research and debate; uncovering the truth, thus increasing awareness, and informing people.
Combining voices: changing public policy and attitudes, influencing government. Encouraging questions empowering debate, leading to the establishment of truth.
In the immediate future I will be working on a constitution and ‘house rules’ and firming up roles and responsibilities of coordinators and membership for all CC participants.
It has always been our intention that Great Britain would have regional CC groups and I am delighted therefore to announce that we have appointed a group of Co-ordinators for the UK. We are also appointing Co-ordinators across the planet and have established groups in the USA, Canada, Scandinavia, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Greece, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Switzerland to name but a few. The list of countries is expanding all the time. If you don’t see your country mentioned, please get in touch anyway. We look forward to welcoming you within CC.
Worldwide our coordinators are creating regional websites which will all join up so people can share info.
This is just the start!
Our international and national co-ordinators, meet up once a month on Zoom / Skype to catch up with what’s going on in their country and with their members and meetings. People share ideas and gifts and talents, they practice meditations, healing, some London group members make orgonite. CC also reaches out to other spiritually based organizations / groups and is forging links with these members. The groups do what they want to do to help raise the awareness and vibrations and this can be personal to each group, and all groups keep in touch with each other through their coordinators.
I am looking to form a small dedicated group, if you feel that you wish to take an ACTIVE role in helping humanity then please fill out our registration form. There are many people who I’ve met who have astounded me with their kindness, compassion and truthfulness and their determination to do something positive for the benefit of others. This group that I would like to establish will have that as its overriding goal.
Much strength, much hope, much love Simon
9th September Meeting Followup:
Dear CC member,
The is just a quick follow up and report back to the meeting that many of you attended on 9th September (9/9/18). For those of you who weren’t able to attend, we had a meet up in London which was open to all UK CC members. At this meeting we looked at how CC should develop and move forward.
Having gone through all of the flip chart notes created by our members in their groups we have now identified the aims and objectives and mission statement for CC.
I also asked the meeting if they were happy with the name Connecting Consciousness, after considerable debate and many alternate names suggested, it was agreed to keep the name Connecting Consciousness (CC).
Having distilled all of the relevant information from the flip charts, here is the mission statement and the aims and objectives that you the members identified.
Our Mission
Connecting Consciousness recognises current structures are not necessarily responsive to people or the planet, and seeks to solve global challenges through physical and spiritual development, education and governance.
CC seeks to support people on their learning journey to become awakened to the world around them. To develop their understanding of who they are and their true position within the world, and thus to help humanity and all life move forward in a positive way.
How will we do this? Through 3 interconnected aims:
Creating C.C. networks: through local, national and international spiritual groups.
Sharing knowledge: through education, research and debate; uncovering the truth, thus increasing awareness, and informing people .
Combining voices: changing public policy and attitudes, influencing government. Encouraging questions empowering debate, leading to the establishment of truth.
In the coming weeks ahead I will be working on a constitution and ‘house rules’ and firming up roles and responsibilities of coordinators and membership for all CC participants.
It has always been our intention that Britain would have regional CC groups and I am delighted therefore that we have appointed our first Scotland CC coordinator and developing the West Country CC group. We have members all around the UK and are in the process of establishing CC groups within the UK regions, if you are interested in coordinating a local CC group please reply to bp.uk@intccg.com
At the end of this month I am visiting the Ireland CC group which will be my first visit to the group, which I am looking forward to very much.
On the International front, both Switzerland and Australia had successful CC meetings last week, with new members joining.
September 2018 Sydney CC Group Meetup
September 2018 Switzerland CC Group Meetup